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Tarifa Kiting
Kitespot Weather Conditions
- Wind 11 to 22 knots
- Constant, not gusty wind – Gusts can be dangerous for not expert kitesurfer
- Temperatures from 22 to 40 degrees celsius or 71,6 F to 104 F
- Kitespot with High probability of windy days
- Daily 5 to 8 hours of wind
- Hardly any offshore or onshore wind, but mostly SIDESHORE
Kitespot Beach and sea conditions
- For kitesurfers reserved and not overcrowded Large beach
- Kitespot beach width at least 20 meters
- Kitespot beach at least 50 meters
- Kitespot Obstacle-free and partly sandy beach
- Kitespot Beach slowly descending into the lagoon or Sea
- Kitespot with Large lagoon areas with shallow depths (50 to 160 cm)
- Kitespot without waves
- Kitespot No ocean currents present
Kitespot Environment
- Large kitesurf community
- Specialized beach Kitesurf assistance
- Existence of a kitesurf school which can also provide technical kitesurf support